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Programme and Abstracts

BSSM 18th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics

Harrison Hughes Building, School of Engineering, University of Liverpool

Final Programme

Final programme as pdf

08:00 Tuesday 3rd September 2024
Registration – The Foyer – Harrison Hughes Building

09:00 Introduction and Welcome
Hele-Shaw Lecture Theatre
Conference Chair: Will Christian, University of Liverpool

Hele-Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 1.1a Chair: Prof Eann Patterson
Fatigue and Fracture 1

09:20 Fatigue Crack Growth And Crack Tip Cyclic Plasticity Of 304L Stainless Steel At High ΔK
MMJ Gillet, CM Davies
Imperial College London, UK

09:40 Fatigue Life Evaluation in Corner Welded Joints
PD Hanna, Y Gao, S Whitfield, CM Davies
Imperial College London, UK

10:00 A High-Throughput Vibration-Based Fatigue Assembly to More Quickly Characterize High Cycle Fatigue Life
RB Berke, BA Furman, JM Wagner, JB Heninger, SC Mulhall
Utah State University, USA

10:20 Assessment of Low Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of OFHC Copper at Room & High Temperatures
W Wan Mohammad, M Mokhtarishirazabad, Y Belrhiti, M Mostafavi, C Hamelin, D Knowles
University of Bristol, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 1.1b Chair: Dr Catrin Davies
Residual Stresses 1

09:20 Application of Machine Learning in the Investigation of Residual Stress in Electron Beam Welding
G Wang, C Truman, N Larrosa, C Jacquemoud
University of Bristol, UK

09:40  Residual Stresses in Inconel 625 Parts Produced Using Atomic Diffusion Additive Manufacturing (ADAM)
N Naveed, B Ahmad
University of Sunderland, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 1.1c Chair: Dr Pascal Lava
Optical and DIC Techniques 1

09:20 Initial value estimation using feature-based clustering in DIC for measuring large deformations
S Prasad, D Kumar
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

09:40 Effect of combined loads in cracked rails using photoelasticity and finite elements
G Ramaswamy, K Ramesh, U Saravanan
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India

10:00 Accurate Strain Distribution Measurement during Large Deformations via Image Scaling Technique
S Ri, H Kichijo, M Fikry, S Ogihara
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

10:40 Refreshments – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

Hele-Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 1.2a Chair: Dr Albert Smith
Automated high spatial and temporal resolution in-situ testing in the SEM

11:00 Statistical analysis of micro-deformation mechanisms of HCP zinc coatings by in-situ SEM-DIC aligned to EBSD *
JPM Hoefnagels, G Slokker, D König, CJA Mornout, T Vermeij
Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

11:20 Slip and slide – capturing early deformation behaviour in copper-base alloys
B Poole, D Lunt, C Hardie, C Hamelin, A Harte
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, UK

11:40 Probing the ductile-to-brittle transition in BCC fusion materials
F Goodrich, D Lunt, A Smith, A Harte, J Quinta da Fonseca, E Pickering
University of Manchester, UK

12:00 An investigation into the effect of strain localisation on forged β-annealed Ti-6Al-4V
P Curran, P Shanthraj, P Prangnell, N Byres, B Dod, M Atkinson, A Plowman, D Hu, J Quinta da Fonseca
University of Manchester, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 1.2b Chair: Prof Janice Dulieu-Barton
Infrared and Thermal Methods 1

11:00 Pervasive Stress Imaging for Experimental Validation of Structural Digital Twins
N Rajic, C Brooks, K Khauv, A Mukhaimar, R Tennakoon, F Zambetta, P Marzocca
RMIT University, Australia

11:20 Thermoelastic stress analysis using visible-infrared synchronous measurement for resin materials
D Shiozawa, M Tahara, T Sakagami
Kobe University, Japan

11:40 Stress and Dissipation Assessment During Cyclic Loading Using TSA and HSR *
A Jury, RC Tighe, X Balandraud
University of Waikato, New Zealand

12:00 An Optimisation Procedure to Obtain the Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for CFRP laminates based on TSA *
R Ruiz-Iglesias, G Ólafsson, R Cappello, OT Thomsen, JM Dulieu-Barton
University of Bristol, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 1.2c Chair: Dr Rachel Tomlinson
Testing of Composite Materials 1

11:00 Compression Fatigue Characterisation of Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites
MA Battley, N Shepherd, J Rout, TD Allen
The University of Auckland, New Zealand

11:20 Investigation of bolt torque and environmental conditioning on the mechanical performance of bolted composite laminates
S Spyridonidis, T Laux, BC Kim, S Ashworth, N Chandarana
University of Bristol, UK

11:40 Using fibre optical sensors for validation purposes in GFRP transverse leaf springs
T Grünheid-Ott, C David, O Deisser, R Schmidt
DLR, Germany

12:00 From seasponge to space: Comprehensive characterisation of a novel lattice structure for aerospace application
T McArdle et al., see abstract for all authors
University of Bristol, UK

12:20 Lunch – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

13:20 Plenary Session – Hele- Shaw Lecture Theatre
Chair: Dr Will Christian 
Experimental Measurements for Enhanced Insights in Pioneering Fusion Powerplant Development
Professor Chris Waldon, FREng, STEP Chief Engineer, UKAEA, University of Liverpool, UK

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 1.3a Chair: Dr Andrew Feeney
Ultrasonic Devices

14:10 High Stiffness Resin for Flexural Ultrasonic Transducers
A Hamilton, S Adams, Y Liu, M Hafezi, W Somerset, K Lam, L Kang, S Dixon, S Cochran, A Feeney
University of Glasgow, UK

14:30 Effect of organic solvent additives on the enhancement of ultrasonic strength in water for lithium ion battery
C Lei, B Jacobson, S Scott, J Hartley, I Sumarlan, T Yingnakorn, K Ryder, A Abbott
University of Leicester, UK

14:50 Resonance Frequency Stability of a Nitinol Class IV Flextensional Transducer
GJ Puthenvila, M Hafezi, A Feeney, M Lucas
University of Glasgow, UK

15:10 The Thermomechanical Behaviour of Nitinol for Adaptive Ultrasonic Devices
M Hafezi, A Feeney
University of Glasgow, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 1.3b Chair: Dr Neha Chandarana
Optical and DIC Techniques 2

14:10 Investigation of Strain Concentration around Geometric Features in Welding
K Shao, C Truman, N Larrosa, C Jacquemond
University of Bristol, UK

14:30 Study of Lüders bands in a bainitic steel
J Chatellier, PO Bouchard, C Pradille, C Kerisit
PSL Research University, France

14:50 Equivalence of the multiparameter stress field equations for a bimaterial interfacial crack
K Shins, K Ramesh
IIT Madras, India

15:10 Damage evaluation on impacted repaired carbon fibre composites *
EYH Chai, W-C Wang, WJR Christian,
University of Liverpool, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 1.3c Chair: Prof Franscesco Giorgi
Soft matter, electronics and robotics

14:10 Conductive MRF-Based Flexible Sensor with Magneto-Mechanical Dual-Response and Adjustable Stiffness
YX Sun, M Sang, XL Gong
University of Science and Technology of China, China

14:30 Triple-responsive Soft Actuator with Plastically Retentive Deformation and Magnetically Programmable Recovery
WW Li, SH Xuan, XL Gong
University of Science and Technology of China, China

14:50  Wearable Safeguarding Leather with Sensing, Thermal Management, and Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
ZY Fan, SH Xuan, XL Gong
University of Science and Technology of China, China

15:30 Refreshments - Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 1.4a Chair: Prof Fabrice Pierron
Material Testing 2.0, Part 1

16:00 An alternative to temporal down-sampling of DIC data in mechanical characterization
M Halilovič, B Starman, S Coppieters
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

16:20 On the validation of a crystal plasticity-based intragranular stress fields identification framework
R Langlois, J Réthoré, R Seghir
Nantes Université, France

16:40 Analysis of a heterogeneous test for calibration of viscoplastic models
T Barret, A Andrade-Campos, S Thuillier
Univ. Bretagne Sud, France

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 1.4b Chair: Dr Khurram Amjad
Condition Monitoring

16:00 Development of a best-practice approach to utilise real-time condition monitoring data in digital twins
CA Middleton, T Nguyen, EA Patterson
University of Liverpool, UK

16:20 AE Based Damage Characterization of CFRP with Considering AE Sensor Response *
T Sakai, G Ankit
Saitama University, Japan

16:40 Development on Diagnosing Method of Fuel Cells using Electromagnetic Field Excited Oscillation *
T Asai, N Kurimoto, S Saeki
Meijo University, Japan

Mason Bibby Room
Session 1.4c Chair: Prof Genevieve Langdon
Impact, Blast and High Strain Rate 1

16:00 Multiaxial rate dependent behaviour of Ti6Al4V
G Gour, Y Xu, A Pellegrino
University of Oxford, UK

16:20 Mechanical Performance Of Carbon Nanotube Film Subjected To Impact Loading
W Wang, V Toropov, W Tan
Queen Mary University of London, UK

16:40 Searching for Elusive Solitons: Optical Detection of Strain Waves Generated by a Pulsed Laser in Acrylic Bars
J Vizor, PD Ruiz, KR Khusnutdinova
Loughborough University, UK

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 1.5a Chair: Prof Fabrice Pierron
Material Testing 2.0, Part 2

17:00 Experimental validation of the spatial mapping of plastic properties in welds with the VFM
R Hamill, A Marek, A Harte, F Pierron
University of Southampton, UK

17:20 Materials Testing 2.0 for Creep
R Spencer, L Fletcher, M Gorley, C Hamelin, A Harte
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, UK

17:40 Optimization of the specimen geometry for one - shot discovery of material models
S Ghouli, M Flaschel, S Kumar, L De Lorenzis
ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 1.5b Chair: Dr Yevgen Gorash
Fatigue and Fracture 2

17:00 Evaluating Fracture Parameters From Phase Field Simulations
C Anand, K Ramesh, S Natarajan
IIT Madras, India

17:20 Challenges in Dynamic Fracture Testing - Validity of Current Standard Methods and Improved Testing Methods
BMB Sargeant, CM Davies, PA Hooper
Imperial College London, UK

17:40 Temperature and Microstructural Effects on the fracture Toughness Properties of As-Cast DP800 Steel Slabs
OD Taiwo, D Farrugia, CM Davies
Imperial College London, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 1.5c Chair Dr David Kumar
Impact, Blast and High Strain Rates 2

17:00 Mechanical Energy Absorption of Metal-Organic Frameworks
A Siwji, H Jiang, D Parsons, Y Sun
University of Birmingham, UK

17:20 Influence of gelatine as a transmission layer on the transient response of panels subjected to an explosion
EL Osborne, GS Langdon, JW Denny, R Waddoups, SD Clarke
University of Sheffield, UK

17:40 Composite Kevlar Fabric-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator with Anti-Impact and Sensing Performance
WH Wang, S Wang, XL Gong
University of Science and Technology of China, China

18:00 Welcome Reception – Victoria Gallery and Museum

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Hele Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 2.1a Chair: Dr Salih Gungor
Components for Nuclear Applications

09:00 Ultrasonic Welded Straws for High Energy Physics Detectors
KE Buchanan, S Sgobba, H Danielsson
CERN, Switzerland

09:20 Where Experimental Mechanics and Supercomputing Meet: Uncertainty Quantification for Fusion Validation
L Fletcher, M Atkinson, A Marsh, A Tayeb, C Hamelin
UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK

09:40 Uncertainty quantification on the frequency response of fusion components using digital image correlation
A Marsh, L Fletcher, C Hamelin, A Harte
UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 2.1b Chair: Dr Hari Arora
Biomaterials and Biomechanics

09:00 Intervertebral disc degeneration affects the distribution of internal stresses and strains within human lumbar vertebrae
KA Raftery, A Kargarzadeh, S Tavana, N Newell
Imperial College London, UK

09:20 Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC) and the Virtual Fields method (VFM) to determine eardrum stiffness
P Livens, JJJ Dirckx
University of Antwerp, Belgium

09:40 Mechanical Characterisation of Lymph Node Tissue and In-Vivo Needle Insertion for EBUS-TBNA
LR Mkoh, S Bicknell, R Sayer, S Cochran, E Henderson
University of Glasgow, UK

10:00 Nano-bio experimental mechanics at the optical limit
EA Patterson, JM Curran, F Giorgi
University of Liverpool, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 2.1c Chair: Dr Matthew Roy
Management of Residual Stress during Manufacturing

09:00 Surface Integrity-Informed CPFEM: A Novel Approach to the Prediction of Fatigue Crack Initiation in Ti-6Al-4V
MF Arcidiacono, I Violatos, S Rahimi
University of Strathclyde, UK

09:20 Simulation and validation of residual stress generation at an interface of a Direct Energy Deposited (DED)
MD Ferguson, T Konkova, I Violatos
University of Strathclyde, UK

09:40 Prediction and control of residual stress and distortion during machining of Al705 billets
I Violatos, S Fitzpatrick, S Rahimi
Advanced Forming Research Centre, UK

10:00 Contouring Residual Stress: A New Frontier For Polymer Composite Characterization
KR Praveen, F Hosseinzadeh, PJ Bouchard, F Lefebvre, D Guillon
The Open University, UK

10:20 Exhibitor Introductions – Chair: Dr Hari Arora

10:40 Refreshments and Exhibition – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 2.2a Chair: Prof Mark Battley
Composites and Polymer Materials

11:10 Volume decomposition of tomography data to detect damage in mini-composites
CA Middleton, K Amjad, WJR Christian, AM Hilmas, C Przybyla, EA Patterson

11:30 Strain Measurement near Fiber-Matrix Interface of CFRP Cross Section Using DIC-FEM Hybrid Method
A Nakachi, K Iizuka, S Yoneyama
Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan

11:50 Investigation of Compressive and Interlaminar Fracture Properties of GF/Acrylic Composites under SWA Effects
N Siddgonde, JA Quinn, M Devine, AK Alapati, CMO Bradaigh, D Ray
University of Edinburgh, UK

12:10 An experimental and numerical study on the thermal V-bending mechanism of fibre metal laminates
Q Lin, Z Guan, WJR Christian
University of Liverpool, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 2.2b Chair: Dr Lloyd Fletcher
Model Validation

11:10 A case study approach to evaluating methods for advanced model validation *
K Dvurecenska, M Campbell, D Backman
University of Liverpool, UK

11:30  Practical assessment of DIC uncertainties in view of FE model validation
A Peshave, P Lava, F Pierron
MatchID, Belgium

11:50 FE validation from DIC data: a practical case study in bending
V Firouzbakht, A Peshave, P Lava, F Pierron
MatchID, Belgium

12:10 Testing & modelling of composite substructures: opportunities and challenges
T Laux, R Cappello, JS Callaghan, SW Boyd, DA Crump, AF Robinson, OT Thomsen, JM Dulieu-Barton
University of Bristol, UK

12:30 Plenary Session – Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
BSSM Best Paper in ‘Strain’ Fylde Prize for 2023 Chair: Prof Johan Hoefnagels

Monitoring structural scale composite specimens in a post‐buckling regime: The integrated finite element stereo digital image correlation approach with geometrically non‐linear regularization.
Dufour, J‐E., Guillaume Colantonio, Christophe Bouvet, J‐N. Périé, J‐C. Passieux, and Joël Serra. Strain 59, no. 5 (2023): e12450

13:00 Lunch and Exhibition – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor
Exhibitors: Alemnis, Correlated Solutions, Dantec Dynamics, ISIS Neutron & Muon Source, iX Cameras, LAVision UK, MatchID, Photron, Quantum Design UK, Severn Thermal Solutions, Shimadzu, Techni Measure, Vishay Measurements Group, Vision Research/Ametek

14:00 Plenary Session – Hele Shaw Lecture Theatre Chair: Dr Neha Chandarana

BSSM Young Stress Analyst Competition

1. Maureen A. Fitzpatrick, University College London, UK
Influence of Laser Preheating on Residual Stress in Ti-6Al-4V Laser Powder Bed Fusion (LPBF)

2. Carla N. Villacís Núñez, University of Michigan, USA
Intact and Torn Rotator Cuff Behavior Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Variational System Identification

3. Xavier A. Ojeda, University of Manchester, UK
Slip activity in Ti-6Al-4V under cold creep conditions

4. Lewis S. Wallace, University of Strathclyde, UK
Woven Bio-fabric Material Characterisation and FEA Comparison to Scanned Stents

15:30 Refreshments and Exhibition – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor
Exhibitors: Alemnis, Correlated Solutions, Dantec Dynamics, ISIS Neutron & Muon Source, iX Cameras, LAVision UK, MatchID, Photron, Quantum Design UK, Severn Thermal Solutions, Shimadzu, Techni Measure, Vishay Measurements Group, Vision Research/Ametek

16:05 Plenary Session – Hele Shaw Lecture Theatre
60th Anniversary – History of the BSSM
Prof Janice Dulieu-Barton, University of Bristol, UK

16:25 BSSM Measurements Lecture 2024 Chair: Dr Hari Arora (Chair of the BSSM)
Measuring the behaviour of a soft material: from quasi-static to blast response
Professor Genevieve Langdon, University of Sheffield, UK

18:00 Coaches leave for the Merseyside Maritime Museum
Coaches to depart from outside Starbucks Coffee on Mount Pleasant

18:30 Pre-dinner drinks

19:00 Chairman’s Gala Reception and Awards Ceremony

Thursday 5th September 2024

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 3.1a Chair: Dr Rachel Tighe
Infrared and Thermal Methods 2

09:00 Infrared Imaging of Thermo-Elastic Isentropic Cooling and Heating During Uniaxial Tensile Tests
J Carrock, A Dumont, H Kouser, S Burns, C Pratt, A Sefkow
Telops, Canada

09:20 Simultaneous thermal & kinematic full-field measurements on optimal patterns based on LSA and IR thermography
T Jailin, A Jury, B Blaysat, A Vinel, X Balandraud, M Grédiac
Clermont Auvergne Université, France

09:40 Validation of a Numerical Model for the Non-adiabatic Thermoelastic Stress Analysis of Composite Laminates
R Cappello, R Ruiz-Iglesias, G Ólafsson,  G Pitarresi, G Catalanotti, JM Dulieu-Barton
University of Bristol, UK

10:00 Fatigue Crack Detection by Active Infrared Thermography with Low Power Laser
Y Murao, D Shiozawa, T Sakagami, 
Kobe University, Japan

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 3.1b Chair: Dr Ksenija Dvurecenska
Modal Analysis

09:00 Model Validation for Stator and Rotor of an Electric Vehicle Motor
JA Yang, CC Yu, CS Lin
National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

09:20 On the detection of defects employing High Resolution Digital Image Correlation
AJ Molina-Viedma, L Felipe-Sesé, JA Almazán-Lázaro, C Huertas-Charriel, E López-Alba, FA Díaz
Universidad de Jaén, Spain

09:40 A thermoacoustic rig to test materials for challenging environments
M Weihrauch, J Lambros, EA Patterson
University of Liverpool, UK

10:00 Modal Coupling Dynamics of a Nitinol Langevin Transducer
Y Liu, M Hafezi, A Feeney
University of Glasgow, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 3.1c Chair: Dr Mateusz Kopec
Testing of additive materials

09:00 Mechanical properties of Polymer Matrix Composites produced by Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) method
CT Ong, CY Yin, KL Goh, FC Lee
Newcastle University Singapore

09:20 Effect of scanning speed on the damage behaviour of SLM printed Inconel 625
RA Yildiz, M Malekan
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

09:40 Effect of Build Orientation on the Yield Surface of Stainless Steel 316L Fabricated by LPBF-M
VP Dubey, M Kopec, M Pawlik, P Wood, ZL Kowalewski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

10:00 Graphene Oxide Aerogel Metamaterials for Future Human Machine Interface
Y Wang, Z Qin, D Wang, D Liu, Z Wang, A Gazzar, P He, Z Guo, X Chen, C Jia, X He, X Zhang, BB Xu, F Chen
Northumbria University, UK

10:20 Refreshments – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

10:40 Plenary Session – Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Chair: Dr Ksenija Dvurecenska
Insights on the use of IR-thermography in damage identification
Dr Chiara Colombo, Associate Professor, Politecnico Milano, Italy

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 3.2a Chair: Dr Mathew Roy
Identification of Residual Stresses

11.30 Residual Stresses and Deformations Generated in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Thin Metallic Samples *
P Khanbolouki, EA Patterson, C Sutcliffe, J Lambros
University of Liverpool, UK

11:50 Residual stress evaluation of laser powder bed fusion benchmarks using the contour method
Z Cai, RC Laurence, D Yang, RM Kindermann, J Kurebwa, GN Haribabu, Z Song, R Huo, MJ Roy
University of Manchester, UK

12:10 Determination of Residual Stress in Additively Manufactured Parts by Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Diffraction
RC Laurence, D Canelo-Yubero, E Maawad, G Abreu Faria, P Staron, R Ramadhan, S Cabeza, A Paecklar, T Pirling, MF Slim, T Buslaps, M Sanchez-Poncela, W Cui, PJ Withers, MJ Roy
University of Manchester, UK

12:30 The manufacture of inherently vibration damped titanium AM structures by encapsulating powder feedstock *
S Tammas-Williams, C Packer, I Butler, M Baxter, S Islam, L Napper, C Holycross
University of Edinburgh, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 3.2b Chair: Dr Charchit Kumar
Novel Experimental Techniques 1

11:30 Combining the Small Punch Test with the Small Ring Test
A Joshi, A Forsey, R Moat, S Güngör
The Open University, UK

11:50 Advanced Measurement Technologies for Smarter Testing: Developing a multi-system setup for large scale testing
L Reid
Airbus Operations Ltd., UK

12:10 An optical strain gage for full-field measurements
A Vinel, M Grédiac, X Balandraud, B Blaysat, T Jailin, F Sur
Clermont Auvergne Université, France

12:30 Development and validation of human head finite element model for predicting head injuries
A Kumagai, S Hayashi, Y Zhang
Sophia University, Japan

12:50 Lunch – Active Learning Lab, 3rd Floor

Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Session 3.3a Chair: Prof Johan Hoefnagels
Metals and Microstructure

14:00 Mechanical response and microstructural evolution of 6061-T6 subjected to dynamic testing at low temperature
M Kopec, X Liu, D Gorniewicz, S Jóźwiak, J Janiszewski, ZL Kowalewski
Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

14:20 In situ Extreme Micromechanics – Recent Innovations and Prospects
N Randall, R Pero, J-M Breguet
Alemnis AG, Switzerland

14:40 Multiscale Creep Characterisation of CuCrZr Alloy as Heat Sink Used in the Divertor of Nuclear Fusion Tokamak
PN Kulkarni, A Forsey, S Gungor, R Moat
The Open University, UK

15:00 Uniaxial Creep and Creep Crack Growth Testing in 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
A Milne, CM Davies
Imperial College London, UK

Walker Lecture Theatre
Session 3.3b Chair: Dr Will Christian
Novel Experimental Techniques 2

14:00 Investigation into the Strength of Adhesive Joints at Cryogenic Temperatures Using a Modified Arcan Fixture
DJ Brearley, T Laux, M Lakrimi, JM Dulieu-Barton, OT Thomsen
University of Bristol, UK

14:40 Recent Advances in Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing of Structural Steels and Their Welds
Y Gorash, T Comlekci, A Toumpis, L Milne, A England, C Walker
University of Strathclyde, UK

15:00 A novel volumetric measurement technique to measure strain in brain phantoms during needle insertion
TJ Pritchard, R van Loon, H Arora
Swansea University, UK

Mason Bibby Room
Session 3.3c Chair: Dr Daniel Mulvihill
Tribology and Contact

14:00 Investigating Triboelectrification Through Real Contact Area Analysis
C Kumar, S Bairagi, G Khandelwal, Y Xu, N Gadegaard, DM Mulvihill
University of Glasgow, UK

14:20 Investigating Bearing Subsurface Microstructural Damage of White Etching Areas and Butterfly Wing Cracks
R Dai, H Long
University of Sheffield, UK

14:40 Small-scale test of ball-on-curved surface contact to study fretting wear of wind turbine blade pitch bearings
ZZ Wu, V Perez Cervantes, E Hurtado, WY Song, HJ Lee, C Ng, H Long
University of Sheffield, UK

15:00 Bespoke test rig to measure dynamic contact behaviour of railway ballast
D Bonafini, BN Madhusudhan, G Watson
University of Southampton, UK

15:20 Closing Plenary Session – Hele - Shaw Lecture Theatre
Conference Chair: Dr Will Christian 
Announcement of BSSM's 19th International Conference on Advances in Experimental Mechanics 2025 - Imperial College London 2 - 4 September 2025
Conference Chair: Dr Catrin Davies, Imperial College London

15:30 Refreshments – Conference Close

* Permission not provided for abstract open access 

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