Event Archive
Click on the title of the event to explore papers and presentations from past BSSM conferences and workshops.
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Workshop Topics
BSSM's 60th Anniversary Showcase “Past to Present and Future Challenges”
Eighth Postgraduate Experimental Mechanics (PGEM) Conference
The Measurement of Residual Stress using Laboratory X-Ray Diffraction Instruments
Uncertainty Quantification in DIC
High Speed Testing
Graphene & Carbon Nanotubes in Experimental Mechanics
International Seminar on Metal Plasticity
Full Field Deformation & Strain Measurement
Test & Analysis of Materials Performance in Sport
Advanced Strain Gauge Applications
X-ray Computed Tomography
New Approaches for Performance Definition of Composite Materials and Structures
Core Materials and Sandwich Structures
Tomographic Imaging of Displacement and Strain Fields
Experimental Mechanics in Biological Tissues
Advanced Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)