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The Measurement of Residual Stress using Laboratory Based X-Ray Diffraction Instruments - Follow up

Workshop and Exhibition

Date/Time: A date in 2025 will be confirmed ASAP

Location: National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

Delegate Fees (inc) VAT:  £75 Member, £95 Non Member

This is a follow up to the 2023 meeting  which will aim to discuss the practical aspects of the technique. Presentations from the 2023 event can be viewed here

For more information contact the BSSM at

Provisional Programme will include

• Troubleshooting; how to spot what’s gone wrong (if anything) and what to do about it.
• How to check that your diffractometer is working correctly.
• Layer removal, the practicalities. How to determine the measurement depth etc.
• How to measure rough surfaces, shot peened samples etc.
• Sample geometry; the effects of curvature, shadowing, complex, compound corves.
• How to optimise your particular type of diffractometer.
• Variation of residual stress across sample surfaces, gradients across the surface.
• Measuring residual stress measurement as part of the manufacturing process.

A Round Robin study was proposed at the 2023 meeting and samples are currently being prepared and results will be discussed at the meeting.

We will be having an exhibition with live X-Ray diffractometers again.

Why not bring something to measure?

Provisional Timetable

09:50 - 10:20 Registration, Coffee and Exhibition
12:40 - 13:45 Lunch, Exhibition and Demonstrations
15:00 - 15:20 Tea, Exhibition and Demonstrations
17:00 Close of Meeting


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