Strain 2 Data

Company Overview
With our sensors and sensor data, we provide you with the right insights to make thought-out decisions. From small instrumentations to medium size and large projects, Strain 2 Data can be a partner in a large variety of projects.
Strain gauges (and sensors in general) can be used in production and process environments and play an important role in the follow-up, adjustment and optimisation of these processes.
Smart Sensor Networks
We design and implement smart sensor networks. Our sensor of choice: strain gauges. But hey: we can handle any type of sensor. Just let us know what kind of set-up you're looking for and we'll find the sensor tailored to your needs.
Harvesting Data: We measure:: load - temperature - vibration - tension - torsion - strain - fatigue - shear - creep
Generating Insights: Generating insights for predictive maintenance, using algorithms and machine learning.
We can help: prevent standstill, repair or replace components before they break.
Centrum-zuid 1111,
3530 Houthalen-Helchteren
++32 11 39 75 92